Sunday, July 25, 2010

Baking With The Flacks

Growing up my grandma’s apple pie was a staple at nearly every family event. They were the most amazing things and having lost her over a year and a half ago now I think the memory her apple pies memories have only grown in my families mind. They only pie I have ever had that even rivals my grandmas is Becca’s moms. She makes an array of different pies all of them are amazing! Becca and I decided to bake an apple pie for us today using her mom’s recipe and we decided to document it all along the way! Enjoy!

It may be cheating but sure beats peeling by hand!

She trusted me with the big boy knife!

Becca working with the crust

Apples ready to go

Waiting for the top crust

One of the more difficult parts was getting the top crust on with out it falling all apart!

We were real pumped!

Final Product...Little runny, great taste, and overall for the first attempt we were both very happy!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Thanks for calling Perry Lake this is Craig

I have been working since I was 15 and there has not been more than 1-2 months that I have then been unemployed during that time. I have been a bag boy, sales associate, landscaper, non-profit employee, and a leasing agent. I have done all of those at a number of different companies 7-8 at least (Andersons still is #1 in my opinion!). But since October of 2007 I have been a leasing agent at Copper Beech for two years and here at Perry Lake Village for one year. I really did not want to continue being a leasing agent when I accepted the PLV job and became full time out here however, I was getting married in two months and had to find something for Becca and I. The plan at that point was to go on Young Life staff (the non-profit I worked for) and I was even interviewing in Pennsylvania by October. It seemed all was going to plan, until Becca and I turned down the job in Penn. Then I came to the conclusion that YL was not where God was leading me. This then meant I was stuck at a job I didn’t like but with Becca still searching for a job there was nothing I could do. About March or April Kevin (my new boss/mentor) and I began to seriously discuss the possibility of me coming on staff for Brookside (Becca and I’s church) as a Pastoral Intern. A few months more passed and I had gotten the word that August 1st would be when they wanted me to start. All the mean while I worked this job where I have literally been cussed out more times than I can remember, threatened physically, cleaned up endless piles of dog crap, and apologized for more things that were not my fault more times than I can count. I’ve lost my tempter, been talked down from quitting, and evicted more families and couples whit a heartless mentality that it almost felt like that was normal behavior. All the while I have struggled to remember that PLV is where God has me at this moment and time to be his light. It is never an easy thing to keep in focus especially when you know there is something else out there however; now that I am at the end of my time here I can honestly say I am grateful for it all. I have made some great relationships with co-workers and residents and even this week several have called to thank me for everything I have done for them and wish me luck on my new job. I have had the opportunity to pour my life into this community over the past year and my life will be forever changes because of it. I will certainly not be upset if I never work leasing again in my life however, I also thought I would never work for the Church. I have learned to never say never (and not burn bridges hence my 3 week notice) and be grateful for whatever comes your way. I found a job that supported my new wife and I in the middle of a depression. So while this year has literally been a roller coaster of emotions I rejoice in it.

Thanks for the ride Perry Lake.

Craig Flack Leasing Agent Since 2007 Signing Out!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Freedom From Debt

I have always been a little OCD with it comes to money. I always know how much I have in my checking account at any given moment and have never over drafted my account. I have all my automatic payments memorized so much to the fact that I have to write them all down for Becca so she would know what was going on if something happened to me. I have written posts in the pasts about paying down debt in the form of Becca’s wedding ring. This time it’s her car that we have recently paid off. The thing is paying off debt is one of the most rewarding things we can do. It’s not easy and there will always be choices of where to take the money from but once it’s done it just feels so darn good. As of July 16th, 2010 the only debt Becca and I have is my student loans. No credit cards, car payments, or 90 day interest free purchases. Some of you may know that on August 1st I will start working for Brookside Church here in BG. I have felt a calling to this work for some time and because Becca and I have been diligent with our finances and budgeting I now have the opportunity to leave a good paying job and take a step of faith to work for Brookside (and yes they are paying me to just not as much as my current position). If we had credit cards bills or even a nicer apartment I simply would not be able to follow my calling. The point I am getting at is debt and living above your means are like GIANT HANDCUFFS! People hear the word “budget” and think that they will never be able to do anything fun or have nice things. I hear budget and I think I can golf, buy a video game, take Becca on a date and know that we can afford it and there will be no guilt spending that money. If you are up to your eye balls in debt or simply can’t be trusted with a credit card it may be time to take a serious look at your financial situation. Websites like can be great but ultimately it comes down to making some difficult choices and having self control. I hope this post encourages you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and know that the freedom from debt is one of the biggest weights that can be lifted!