Saturday, July 17, 2010

Freedom From Debt

I have always been a little OCD with it comes to money. I always know how much I have in my checking account at any given moment and have never over drafted my account. I have all my automatic payments memorized so much to the fact that I have to write them all down for Becca so she would know what was going on if something happened to me. I have written posts in the pasts about paying down debt in the form of Becca’s wedding ring. This time it’s her car that we have recently paid off. The thing is paying off debt is one of the most rewarding things we can do. It’s not easy and there will always be choices of where to take the money from but once it’s done it just feels so darn good. As of July 16th, 2010 the only debt Becca and I have is my student loans. No credit cards, car payments, or 90 day interest free purchases. Some of you may know that on August 1st I will start working for Brookside Church here in BG. I have felt a calling to this work for some time and because Becca and I have been diligent with our finances and budgeting I now have the opportunity to leave a good paying job and take a step of faith to work for Brookside (and yes they are paying me to just not as much as my current position). If we had credit cards bills or even a nicer apartment I simply would not be able to follow my calling. The point I am getting at is debt and living above your means are like GIANT HANDCUFFS! People hear the word “budget” and think that they will never be able to do anything fun or have nice things. I hear budget and I think I can golf, buy a video game, take Becca on a date and know that we can afford it and there will be no guilt spending that money. If you are up to your eye balls in debt or simply can’t be trusted with a credit card it may be time to take a serious look at your financial situation. Websites like can be great but ultimately it comes down to making some difficult choices and having self control. I hope this post encourages you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and know that the freedom from debt is one of the biggest weights that can be lifted!

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